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May 16, 2006
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, May, 16, 2006 at the Multi-Purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT: Chet Hopper, Brian Aumueller, Kim Danziger, Theodore Kreinik, Robert Rau, Joe Hemingway ABSENT: Tom Long, Charles Stofko, Bruce Walczak

ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Director Elizabeth Stocker, John Voket (The Newtown Bee), Attorney William Denlinger (Tom Brook LLC), one member of public

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Upon motion by Mr. Hemingway, the minutes of the regular meeting of the 4/18/06 were unanimously accepted as presented.

COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Hopper has sent a letter to the Board of Selectmen stating the concerns of the Commission that changes not be made to the business district as part of the traffic study.
        Ms. Stocker has received a letter from the Board of Selectmen updating the CIP, including the schedule for the Tech Park and Sandy Hook Streetscape.
        Ms. Stocker received a communication from Cynthia Petruzzello from the Connecticut Development Authority offering her assistance to the Commission.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: John Voket, Associate Editor of the Newtown Bee encouraged the Commission to utilize the Newtown Bee to communicate with the public.  He has resources he would like to share with the Commission.  He would like to provide a quarterly column for the Commission to keep the public informed.
        Attorney William Denlinger representing Tom Brook LLC presented a proposal for a retail office building at 75-77 Church Hill Road. Mr. Denlinger asked for the Commission’s support in obtaining variances from the Town’s Land Use Boards. After discussion, Mr. Danziger moved the Commission give a general endorsement to all Land Use Agencies in Town based on the economic development potential of the property and the tax potential to the Town. Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Ms. Ruby Johnson distributed information regarding her opinion on the Tech Park.  Her concern is business development will bring more residents to the Town.


Community Development Director: Ms. Stocker reported the Barnabas Road project has cleared Conservation and will now be before the Planning and Zoning Commission.  The Tom Brook LLC project has cleared Conservation and will be seeking a variance.  The 5K Commerce Road project has cleared Conservation and will now be before the Planning and Zoning Commission.  The Sand Hill Plaza store fronts have been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Sand Hill South has filed amendments. The Planning and Zoning Commission is requiring a pass through between the plazas.  Spath Construction is constructing 2 new sites on Dusty Lane. Batchelder is still generating interest from the ads that have been placed.  The web site has been updated.  Ms. Stocker attended the CERC Site Finder meeting on May 16th and found the session very informative and a good resource.  CL& P has energy programs that could assist the Fairfield Hills Authority and the Tech Park.  Members of the Fairfield Hills Authority and Ms. Stocker met with the infrastructure and commercial group from DECD. They may be able to assist implementing the Master Plan.  Charter Communications is closing its call center in the spring of 2007.  The building will still be used for other positions.  Ms. Stocker distributed an Updated Economic Development Potential in Newtown (A).  T.U.V. Rheinland is seeking additional space from the Town on Commerce Road for expansion which is very good for business retention.

Visit To Tech Parks: Mr. Danziger reported on members visiting two tech parks in Shelton, one in Trumbull and one in Stamford to obtain comparisons for our Tech Park.  The consensus of the Commission was to have covenants applied to control the architecture of the Tech Park.

Traffic Study: Mr. Hopper reported that he was very disappointed in the workshop.  The proposals given were not feasible.  The Commission maintains its position that roads should not be closed or detoured.  The next meeting will be in June.


Strategic Plan 2005 – Agri –Business: Mr. Aumueller reported there will be a focus group round table discussion on May 25th at My Place Restaurant at 8:00 a.m.  The purpose is to facilitate resources and the goal is to create interaction on a monthly basis for agriculture businesses.

Salute to Business 2006: After discussion, it was decided Found in Newtown would be the theme for the Salute to Business 2006.

Tech Park Authority: Mr. Hopper is writing a letter to the Board of Selectmen stating the purpose of an authority for the Tech Park and informing them it would remain in effect only until the Park is occupied with tenants.

Traffic Study Letter: A letter has been sent to the Board of Selectmen stating the position of the Commission on the traffic study.  Roads should not be altered to interfere with business traffic.


ADJOURNMENT – Mr. Hemingway moved to adjourn the meeting.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.

                                                        Mary Kelley, Clerk

Attachment: (A)Updated Economic Development Potential in Newtown